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468 Tanaka T, Sato N, Ogasawara A, Noda M, Naiki Y, Horikawa R The effect of combination treatment of growth hormone and anabolic steroid hormone on adult height in boys with growth hormone deficiency 日本成長学会雑誌 23:21-30,2017
469 Horikawa R, Tanaka T, Nishinaga H, Ogawa Y, Yokoya S Evaluation of growth hormone treatment efficacy in short Japanese children boen small for gestational age: Five-year treatment outcom and impact on puberty Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 26:63-72,2017
470 Yokoya S, Hasegawa T, Ozono K, Tanaka H, Kanzaki S, Tanaka T, Cihara K, Jia N, Child CJ, Ihara K, Funai J, Iwamoto N, Seino Y Incidence of diabetes mellitus and neoplasia in Japanses short-statured children treated with growth hormone in the Genetics ad Neuroendocrinology of Short Stature International Study (GeNeSIS) Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 26:229-341,2017
471 Isojima T, Hasegawa T, Yokoya S, Tanaka T The response to growth hormone treatment in prepubertal children with growth hormone deficiency in Japan: Comparing three consecutive years of treatment data of The Foundation for Growth Science in Japan between the 1990s and 2000s Endocr J 64:851-858,2017
472 Hattori A, Katoh-Fukui Y, Nakamura A, Matusbara K, Kamimaki T, Tanaka H, Dateki S, Adachi M, Muroya K, Yoshida S, Ida S, Mitani M, Nagasaki K, Ogara T, Suzuki E, Hata K, Nakabauashi K, Matsubara Y, Narumi S, Tanaka T, and Fukami M on behalf of the Japanese SHOX study group Next generation sequencing-based mutation screening of 86 patients with idiopathic short stature. Endocr J 64:947-954,2017
473 Kizu R, Nishimura K, Sato T, Kosaki K, Tanaka T, Tanigawara Y, Hasegawa T Population pharmacokinetics of diazoxide in children with hyperinulinemic hypoglycemia Horm Res Paediatr 88:316-323,2017
474 Kondo M, Ogihara N, Shinoda K, Anada S, Ito K, Murata M, Tanaka T, Takai S, Mitusuura S Sexual dimorphism in the human hand propotion: A radiographic study Bull Natl Mus Nat Sci D 43:1-6;2017
475 Kondo M, Ogihara N, Mituura S, Anada S, Ito K, Murata M, Tanaka T, Matuura S, Takai S, Shinoda K Allometric relationship between hand bone lengths and stature in amodern Japanese population Bull Natl Mus Nat Sci D 43:7-15;2017
476 田中敏章、佐藤直子、野田雅裕、吉井啓介、岸 健太郎、小笠原敦子 Near adult heightで受診した男子の臨床的特徴と蛋白同化ホルモン治療の効果 日本成長学会雑誌 24:28-34,2018
477 Tanaka T, Nakano Y, Nose O, Tokuda M, Kinoshita E, Tsuru N, Sanayama K, Kamijo T, Ogawa E, Kuboa K, Araki K, Tanizawa T, Murashita M, Yasuhara A, Arakawa K, Hashimoto N A 2016 survey on adult height after growth hormone treatment in patients with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency: Combination treatment with anabolic steroid hormone improves adult height in boys J Jpn Ass Hum Auxo 24:35-42,2018
478 Hanew K, Tanaka T, Horikawa R, Hasegawa T, Yokoya S Prevalence of diverse complications and its association with karyotypes in Japanese adult women with Turner syndrome – a questionnaire survery by the Foundation for Growth Science- Endocr J 65:509-519,2018
479 Tanaka T, Yokoya S, Hoshino Y, Hiro S, Ohki N Long-term safety and efficacy of daily recombinant human growth hormone treatment in Japanese short children boen small for gestational age: final report from an open and multi-center study Clin Pedaitr Endocrinol 27;145-157,2018
480 Yokomichi H, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuya M, Isojima T, Yokoya S, Kato N, Tanaka T, Chiba S, Ono A, Hosoya M, Tanaka S, Kuriyama S, Kure S, Yamagata Z Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on body mass index, weight, and height of infants and toddlers: An infant survey J Epidemiol28:237-244,2018
482 Yoshii K, Tanaka T Establishment of a longitudinal growth chart corresponding to pubertal timing Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 27:215-224,2018
483 Kobori Y, Ota S, Okada H, Tanaka T Investigation of treatment for azoospermia due to male hypogonadotropic hypogonadism I Japan Int J Urology 26:134-135,2019
484 Isojima T, Kato N, Yokoya S, Ono A, Tanaka T, Yokomichi H, Yamagata Z, Tanaka S, Matsubara H, Ishikuro M, Kikuy M, Chiba S, Hosoya M, Kuriyama S, Kure S. Eraly excessive growth with distinct seasonality in preschool obesity Arch Sis Child 104:53-57,2019
172 Yokoya S, Tanaka T The history of growth hormone treatment for GHD in Japan Ped Endocrinol Rev 14(suppl 1):201-228,2017
173 Tanaka T International comparison of adult height in children with growth hormone deficiency and limitations of growth hormone treatment in Japan Ped Endocrinol Rev 14(suppl 1):216-221,2017
174 Nishi Y, Tanaka T Growth hormone treatment and adverse events Ped Endocrinol Rev 14(suppl 1):235-239,2017
175 Hanew K, Tanaka T Adult heigh tin patients with Turner syndrome and association with lifestyle-related diseases after human growth hormone treatment in Japan Ped Endocrinol Rev 14(suppl 1):252-259,2017